Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO).

Broadening the reach of design exploration

How far do you go with design exploration? Do you stop at three designs? Five? What if you could explore thousands of possibilities, in much less time?

Uncover optimized designs with infinite configurations for shape, size, and material variables and constraints. Limit your production costs and quickly find the best design solution for your purpose. Let our team guide you in developing and automating a robust and nimble MDO practice.

We are engineers for engineers




Our automation expertise is the key to optimized processes and designs. Harness the potential of embedded multiphysics, integration with in-house or third-party applications, and configurable 3D parametric modeling to achieve accurate results and the best designs.

Some project highlights

Transportation acoustics

Optimized the design of a recreational vehicle to reduce the noise level by 50%

Cold chain pharmaceuticals

Optimized quantity and sizing of phase change bricks for multi-day shipping cycle

Composite structures

Optimized mold shape to account for composite cooling spring back and comply with blueprint dimensions

Home appliances

Used flow simulation to optimize the performance of a home vacuum cleaner


Optimized engine air inlet box stiffening features to reduce acoustics signature during high power use


Optimized the surface optical properties of a satellite to obtain desired on-orbit temperature profiles

Delivering exceptional technical expertise

We couldn’t possibly list everything we do. Here are just some of our other services:

  • Design of experiments (DOE)
  • Design optimization: multi-variable, sensitivity
  • Design goals and constraints

Digitization and the digital twin

Success stories

Contact us.

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