What’s new in Simcenter 3D 2312?

Simcenter 3D 2312 helps you stay integrated, explore the possibilities, model the complexity and go faster:

  • Simcenter 3D Smart Virtual Sensors: Measure the unmeasurable. Turn your FE model into a reduced order model and functional mockup unit (FMU) that can be run in real-time alongside a physical test.
  • End-to-end associativity: Boost design space exploration studies. Automatically iterate design parameters, update the simulation model, and run the solve. Run tens of iterations or thousands of iterations to evaluate tradeoff scenarios or perform design optimization on a specific criterion.
  • Compound planetary gears: Compound planetary gears provide drivetrains with high power density for a smaller package space. Use the Simcenter 3D Motion Drivetrain transmission builder to quickly and accurately model and simulate compound planetary gears.
  • 2X-6X faster solution speed for Simcenter Nastran multistep nonlinear solution with SMP: Simcenter Nastran now uses SMP for the internal force calculation with all plasticity and/or creep materials. When you request SMP with these materials, the solution speed will be 2x-6x faster, depending on your model. You can run SMP on a single machine with multiple processors and cores, and SMP does not require a special license.

Talk to a Maya HTT expert to find out if Simcenter 3D 2312 is right for you.

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