Additive Manufacturing.

Reimagining quality, producing what you need

Reap the advantages of designing, printing, and validating within a single, integrated system. As new manufacturing technologies emerge and accelerate innovation, get the support you need to benefit from the possibilities.

Discover exciting opportunities to reimagine your product, reinvent your manufacturing, explore new business models, and push the boundaries of 3D printing. We can show you how.

We add layers of confidence




Our software expertise adds value to any additive manufacturing operation. As experts in simulation, optimization, and integration, we can help you unlock the power of 3D printing, whether with plastic or metal, fixed-plain or mult-axis.

Some project highlights

Requirements definition

Offered friendly guidance to help define requirements and ensure success

Digital thread

Ensured that everyone has the right data to do the job, from NX CAM to the shopfloor


Assessed and implemented the right digital infrastructure to scale the business

Implementing additive manufacturing expertise

We couldn’t possibly list everything we do! Here are just some of our other services:

  • Powder bed fusion
  • Multi-jet fusion
  • Hybrid additive
  • Multi-axis fused deposition modeling

Next-gen design for the digital enterprise

Success stories

Vermont Violins

Vermont Violins

Crafting Harmony and Quality with Solid Edge and CNC Machining Find out how Vermont Violins, a...

LCN Mecánica

LCN Mecánica

Automotive mechanical parts supplier uses Solid Edge and NX to accelerate machine programming time...

Curious about how Maya HTT can help you?

Let’s explore better solutions together.

Book a meeting with one of our experts today!