Simcenter FloTHERM.

Create virtual models, run thermal analyses, and test design modifications for electronics cooling systems – before creating any physical prototypes.

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Beat the Heat

From chips to boards to full electronic systems, many factors play a role in effective heat control. The ideal time to select and optimize your electronics cooling architecture is during the design phase.

Use FloTHERM to:

  • Realize cost savings due to fewer redesigns and physical prototypes
  • Get new products to market faster
  • Improve reliability and reduce warranty costs
  • Increase overall engineering quality
Simcenter FloTHERM montage
Simcenter FloTHERM interface

Successfully Address Trends

Four trends are challenging electronics design engineers. These are the need to:

  • Create smaller products with more tightly integrated electronics
  • Increase functionality at lower per unit cost
  • Deliver a consistent user experience (UI) with reliable performance
  • Produce more and more connected devices

These trends all contribute to increasing heat loads, posing specific challenges to cooling system design. With time-to-market pressures increasing, there is little time for tinkering with cooling system designs.

Heat Can Mean Higher Costs

Building and testing physical prototypes is expensive. The earlier in the design phase that cooling performance can be verified, the greater the savings.

Ensuring effective heat control also pays off in:

  • Safety – the growth of autonomous vehicles means avoiding heat-related product failures is critical
  • Product success – wearable consumer devices make cooling system design a matter of comfort that can impact sales
  • Warranty costs – gains in reliable long-term performance from effective heat control minimize warranty costs and product recalls

Heat plays a key role. Find out how Simcenter FlowTHERM brings speed and efficiency to designing cooling systems over the short- and long-term.

An electronics cooling toolbox

Quickly and accurately build a broad range of electronics cooling solutions. Predict airflow, temperature, and heat transfer in components, boards, and complete systems. Reduce re-designs and unit costs, improve reliability and overall engineering quality and reduce time to market. Support chip, package, board, and system design, and even data centers.

Frontloading Pays Off Later

Choose the correct cooling architecture during the ideation stage. Avoid having cooling problems crop up during development or later.

FloTHERM increases the productivity of your electronics simulations by predicting airflow, temperature, and heat transfer.

Test and verify the performance of your cooling system design virtually. Remove design bottlenecks, spend less time on physical prototyping, and cut the risk of redesigns.

Thermal model with Simcenter FloTHERM
Modeling server fans in Simcenter FloTHERM

Avoid Noisy Fans

Designs are increasingly specifying high-powered fans. But they can create more aero-acoustic noise, which can have a negative impact on consumers’ perceptions of product quality.

Now you can select the optimal type, size, and location of fans early in the design stage. FloTHERM’s component library includes fan models, so you can easily simulate the performance of different fans and different placements to find the best options for noise reduction.

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