Powering Up Complexity: Parameterized Missions and Realistic Turbomachinery Models

In Part 1 of this turbomachinery series, we created a model using the dedicated tools available in Simcenter 3D. Leading the development process within an integrated environment reduces the risk of error and cuts costs while increasing efficiency and collaboration.

If you missed it, you can read Part 1 here.

We’re now ready to explore how to assess thermo-mechanical performance and behavior in the context of the different missions the final product will undertake.

Defining Parameterized Missions in Simcenter 3D

First, we define parameterized missions using the Condition Sequences tool.

  • Define the parameters with their units. These will be used in defining the simulation objects, constraints and loads.
  • Define the conditions. A condition is a state at a specific time.
  • Define the missions. Indicate the sequence of conditions and their corresponding times.
  • Verify the condition sequence and define any other missions needed.
  • Automatically create a solution and its steps according to the selected mission.

Creating a Realistic Model

In a thermo-mechanical performance analysis, the model must account for heat transfer, structural loads and the interactions between the physics. Simcenter 3D offers a complete selection of tools needed to model the thermo-mechanical behavior of a turbomachine.

This video shows how easy it is to model complex turbomachine physics and interactions using the tools available in Simcenter 3D Multiphysics.

Thermo-Mechanical Modeling

  • Monitor contact gaps to assess tip clearance.
  • Simulate the thermo-mechanical contact of labyrinth seals.
  • Create a perfect thermo-mechanical connection between the stator vane base and the stator seal.
  • Create a thermal connection between the 2D and 3D portions of stage 3 rotor.
  • Model the dovetail assembly of the rotor’s stage 3.
  • Apply cyclic symmetry conditions to 3D segments.
  • Organize the solution by grouping simulation objects in folders.
  • Request a summary plot of boundary conditions that will be very useful in postprocessing.
  • Achieve a structural coupling between the 2D and 3D portions of the model.
  • Constrain the tangential movement of the 3D portions to remove rigid body movement and axially constrain the rotor and stator.
  • Model the structural forces experienced by the rotor due to its rotating movement based on previously defined parameters.

Convective Boundary Conditions

  • Define a thermal stream (one-sided stream on edge) inside the forward shaft and model the convection due to air flow using previously defined parameters and taking the rotational effect into account.
  • Rapidly select multiple connected edges.
  • Simulate convection with a mass of air at an unknown temperature with a thermal void.
  • Define a one-sided stream on edge and simplify the process by activating the auto-connect options.
  • Apply thermal stream junction for geometrically disconnected streams.
  • Simulate convection on the stage 1 vane, taking into account the air-flow exposure and the number of instances defined for the associated mesh.
  • Define a one-sided stream on edges for the stator case, indicating the end of the stream without splitting the edge.
  • Define a stream at the tip of the 3D blade with a two-sided stream on edges and faces.
  • Specify inlet conditions for the reversal of the flow in the definition of the two-sided stream on edges for the labyrinth seals.
  • Securely include proprietary correlations.
  • Model the convection on the base of the stage 3 blade with a one-sided stream on faces, using points to define the stream direction.
  • Define a thermal stream on multiple bodies.
  • Define the simple convection on the outside of the stator case.

Complete Model

  • Inspect all defined simulation objects, constraints and loads.
  • Looking at the HPT model, define mass flows and pressure for modelled ducts, and apply temperature constraints on duct nodes.
  • Define a duct label on an edge and reference it in a thermal-flow function.
  • Create convection between a duct node and a region defined by edges.
  • Inspect the complete model.

With the thermo-mechanical behavior thoroughly modelled, we are ready to move on to creating and combining sub-assemblies and the post-processing stage.

In Part 3, we look at how a whole-engine approach to thermo-mechanical performance improves efficiency and why an efficient post-processing environment is crucial.

Are you ready to explore the benefits of Simcenter 3D?

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