A New Era of Air Mobility: VTOL achieves new heights with a digital twin approach

Vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft are opening the door to new possibilities for transportation and mobility, particularly within urban areas. The future of air mobility involves flying over traffic, vertical take-off, electric propulsion, and autonomous flight, and brings with it many verification and certification challenges.

Responding to these challenges, engineers have explored novel and disruptive aircraft designs. As companies study the potential of new configurations, many are now making the shift from the proof of concept phase to preparing to optimize designs for operations.

But ramping up for operations comes with a dramatic price tag – as much as $1 billion US – due in no small part to the verification and certification process. Faced with pressure to outpace the competition and overcome certification challenges to arrive first in the industry, controlling costs is key.

Success of any VTOL program will be determined by how well the certification phase is handled. A well integrated simulation and test environment helps to control costs and reduce certification risks.

Advantages of a VTOL digital twin

A digital twin approach to VTOL aircraft verification is a decided advantage, making it possible to:

  • Perform ground vibration testing (GVT) to understand the structural dynamics of the aircraft
  • Virtually and physically test whether aeroelastic stability is reached within the flight envelope
  • Assess the exterior and interior noise of the aircraft
  • Efficiently execute vibration qualification testing of components

If you are concerned about meeting certification as quickly as possible while minimizing risks and costs, a digital twin solution may be the solution.

In-depth answers to accelerate VTOL certification

This webinar goes into specific detail about how to address certification challenges, including:

  • Structural loads and performance
  • Flutter
  • Landing and take-off
  • Structural occupant protection
  • High frequency electromagnetic simulation
  • Noise and vibration
  • Electric drive

A strong integration between simulation and test capabilities is helping VTOL engineers take their new designs farther, faster. Watch the webinar today to find out how these solutions could benefit you.

Watch the webinar

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