Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Teamcenter is the world’s most widely used product lifecycle management (PLM) system. Featuring a complete service-oriented architecture (SOA), easy-to-use interface and comprehensive end-to-end PLM solution set, the use of Teamcenter gives Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery greater power to meet customer needs and to deliver new and enhanced products and solutions to new and existing markets faster than ever before. Rob Stone, Senior IT Engineer, explains, “We will be working together globally across multiple sites throughout the Oil and Gas Division as we move from selling products – gas turbines – to selling complete energy solutions. To do this, we need all the design data for every element of those solutions – gas, steam, oil turbines, pumps, compressors, generators, mechanical drives – even though those items may originate at another site.” Stone adds, “This presents us with the challenge of taking a whole set of different businesses in various locations and with differing histories, but in related and complementary activities, and making them work as one integrated whole. The unified architecture of Teamcenter allows us to address this.”